Deep Scan Process

Good For You, Investing Starts Here!

We understand that planning to invest can be intimidating. With thousands of investment options and hundreds of advisors, it can lead to decision paralysis. So we at Finology decided to solve both these problems.

What is Deep Scan?

Our Inhouse developed Proprietary framework.

Excellence requires going beyond the obvious. This why Finology developed the DeepScan Framework to create a strict filtration process that helps eliminate potentially wealth destroying stocks. We have always believed that the 1st step towards wealth creation is wealth preservation and this is why it becomes important to have a process oriented approach that helps us preserve your wealth and our reputation along with it.

What is Value Investing?

Acquiring more than you are paying for

These 8 steps ensure that reports broadcasted from our desk are backed by in-depth research and analysis.

  • D
  • E
  • E
  • P
  • S
  • C
  • A
  • N
  • Discount to intrinsic value (Reasonable Valuations)
  • Efficiency of business operations (Cost Advantage)
  • Ethical Conduct
  • Pricing Power (Strong Moat)
  • Scalability (Visibility of earnings growth)
  • Competitive Landscape (Industry Projections)
  • Appropriate Safety Net (Risk Mitigation)
  • No Biases (Behavioral Safeguard)

“ Whether we are talking about Socks or Stocks, I like buying quality products when they are on sale. ”

-Warren Buffet

This is Value Investing in a nutshell. This approach is aimed at taking advantage of the irrational behavior of the people in the market. Humans act out of emotions, be it fear, greed or panic. Value investing seeks to benefit out of this human flaw by -

Buying during times of Panic

Selling during times of Mania

If you buy a house worth 20 Lacs for 10 Lacs, you can be sure that in the long run, you will earn a nice profit. Value investing is the quest of finding such under-valued stocks.