Stock Research Reports

Enrich your knowledge with Quality Stock Reports!

You know? There are over 5000 listed companies in India. Just imagine the amount of effort and time it would take to analyse each of those companies & understand their business.

Save yourself from the trouble because Recipe offers ready-made, expert analysis reports, both in terms of quality and value.

Why Invest in the Stock Market?

The booming investment avenue, Stock Market, is getting increasingly popular with time. But is that why you should invest in stocks? NO! In fact, the reasons are pretty clear:

  • More profitable than FDs
  • Higher liquidity than FDs
  • Better returns when market inflates
  • Indirect platform to grow wealth
  • No minimum investment

What does Recipe have for you?

50+ Hot Stock Reports Every Year

Feed the Investor in you with Recipe’s Hot Stock Reports! Quality-assured stock reports with reliable and unbiased information.

Why did 9/10 stocks not make their way to the list while that one did? Now, find out why we analysed a particular stock with the help of thorough research reports on the company’s financials, business model, headwinds, tailwinds, and valuation.

Industry Investment Insights

Lucrative investment avenues, emerging industries, multi-baggers and personal finance hacks... We plan to get it all covered! Stay up-to-date with changing business trends and get additional information on the functioning of several industries with our thoroughly analysed Investment Insights.

Reports on Mutual Funds, Insurance and more.

Various asset classes carry varying objectives. Recipe provides you with the reports of other investment instruments such as Mutual Funds, Insurance, and more to help you in your financial journey.


Ask anything, we would love to answer


1. Style and fund type - There are different types of mutual funds options available, like equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds etc. The fund selection primarily depends on one’s financial goal and risk tolerance.

2. Expense ratio - The expense ratio is simply the total percentage of fund assets that are being charged to cover fund expenses. The higher the ratio, the lower the investor's return and thus, one should stick to funds with a reasonable expense ratio.

3. Returns- It’s important to check a fund’s performance across different market cycles. A fund that has been consistently beating the index and has a lower degree of volatility is a preferred choice for investors.


The above criteria should be analysed before buying Mutual Funds. There are certainly more things to analyse.

We analyse expert-picked stocks that are rock solid in terms of quality, financials and value. Our team follows a process oriented investing framework called DeepScan, that focuses on profitable companies, operating in a space with sizable opportunity with an attractive price tag. We certainly are not recommending the stocks but only giving our analysis.